When was the last time you had a disagreement with somebody about cohabitation, same-sex relationships, or gender theory?
How did it go?
Have you ever winced when you discovered someone else shared your own view, at least in theory, but had very different reasons for arriving at that position?
Love Means More can coach you for these conversations. The website is organized to help anyone, Catholics or non-Catholics, think more clearly about the complex web of issues surrounding what it means to love:
Is marriage a lifelong, exclusive union between a man and a woman?
Can sexual activity be loving outside of marriage?
Is each person’s sex tied to biology?
Is each person’s “gender” tied to sex?
This site is not going to solve everything. Few people who act contrary to the truth about human sexuality do so for purely philosophical motivations. Instead, personal wounds are typically at the core of misunderstandings and errors.
Distorted notions of love can take root if they promise to keep us from being hurt again. If these notions are challenged, the person can feel threatened. This applies to both LGBT advocates and “manosphere” figures alike. But if we don’t address the ideological claims on their own terms, the obstacles to authentic healing will remain. We aim to remove the obstacles while affirming the person, so that the only true healing can take place in Jesus Christ, who is True Love.
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Love Means More (formerly Marriage: Unique for a Reason) is an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), under the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth. Visit USCCB.org for more information.
Note: Photographs on the site are used with permission and for illustrative purposes only, and persons depicted are models.